Thursday, April 11, 2013

I like the Gmail, it is very great the communication tool, because I can write and read the e-mail coming from in the any part of the word.
I discover gmail in the first year in the university, because I before used Hotmail  I wait for all have Gmail because very much tidy, comfortable that Hotmail :P
Gmail have an application for Smartphone, the use in my telephone personal and look over all day.  From there speak with my friends, boyfriend, teachers and different persons. I can organize the e-mails in themes for example: family, psychology, university, etc. I can also sign automatically all e-mails. My signature has my name, the university where i study and the career where i study.
I can personalize the page, change the background theme, and choose the size letter and the color.
My e-mail is for that adds my classmate and writes e-mails and speak through chat the Gmail.
The direction web is:


  1. I love gmail,and I also like tu use it on my smartphone; its very useful

  2. Dianaaa! I don't usually use gmail, because in hotmail i can add my gmail account, but I would love hotmail having more options to pesonalize the format, for example the type letter, wallpapers, colors, etc
    Ara :)

  3. Yeh, Diana! Gmail is the best! ;D And you're wrong Ara, gmail does actually have settings where you can personalize all what you want.
