Thursday, April 18, 2013

I would be dancer

I would be dancer; because I like the music and always I listen to song I imagine one choreographic. I love dance ballet, folklore, modern dance, etc.
I could buy class the modern dance, and the teacher was fantastic, she had many stretch, and the choreographic was beautiful.
I think dace be way the expression corporal, that allow show my feelings too, as well the dance allow know different culture and way see the thing although exist different stile the dance all help express the concept.
I would dance, I would travel of all the world show my choreographic, then I would know different country, different languages, different religions and different persons, therefore I would feel that I can deliver my feelings with my choreographic and I learn the world. But, I will like dance with my boyfriend and will do presentation together that will display in Chile. In friend the dance is fantastic and I will love teach dance, and I will place academic.


  1. Oh! me too wanna be dancer! i think that expression corporal is perfect to say many things without words. dance is completly beautiful.

  2. Hi beautiful Diana:
    I never thought that your ambition was be dancer, is very cool, I love de music but I am not good dancer :(

  3. Hello Dianita!
    I also love to dance, it is exercise more entertaining!
    I hope you can achieve your dream!

  4. Hi Diana:
    Oho when I read your post it was very funny because when I listen music I can imagine a choreographic too... the problem its that I have a two left feet
