Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Moon valley

This picture is very important for me, because represent a moment key in my live.
 My boyfriend and I went a “San Pedro de Atacama” in the holidays the winter the last year. And the picture was taken by a tourist.
We wanted travel out the Chile, but little time before the leave my boyfriend fall sick in the hospital. My boyfriend has diabetes, and then we not can travel out the Chile so later. Finally we travelled at the north the country, specifically a “San Pedro de Atacama”. This travel mean that your diabetes was better and we could know different landscape. We went a moon valley (valle de la luna) since there we saw the beautiful evening, we saw precious and different colors, we lived very magic a moment, the nature was impressive, the mountains were is very tall.
We stay in the guesthouse “Licancabur” be very close the square the “San Pedro de Atacama”, then the guesthouse had good location, and the personal that work there went very agreeable, and the guesthouse was cheap in comparison a the rest.
I grew as a person and learned enjoy to the max the moments in spite of the diabetes.
I advise that all travel on The “San Pedro de Atacama” because is beautiful.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I would be dancer

I would be dancer; because I like the music and always I listen to song I imagine one choreographic. I love dance ballet, folklore, modern dance, etc.
I could buy class the modern dance, and the teacher was fantastic, she had many stretch, and the choreographic was beautiful.
I think dace be way the expression corporal, that allow show my feelings too, as well the dance allow know different culture and way see the thing although exist different stile the dance all help express the concept.
I would dance, I would travel of all the world show my choreographic, then I would know different country, different languages, different religions and different persons, therefore I would feel that I can deliver my feelings with my choreographic and I learn the world. But, I will like dance with my boyfriend and will do presentation together that will display in Chile. In friend the dance is fantastic and I will love teach dance, and I will place academic.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I like the Gmail, it is very great the communication tool, because I can write and read the e-mail coming from in the any part of the word.
I discover gmail in the first year in the university, because I before used Hotmail  I wait for all have Gmail because very much tidy, comfortable that Hotmail :P
Gmail have an application for Smartphone, the use in my telephone personal and look over all day.  From there speak with my friends, boyfriend, teachers and different persons. I can organize the e-mails in themes for example: family, psychology, university, etc. I can also sign automatically all e-mails. My signature has my name, the university where i study and the career where i study.
I can personalize the page, change the background theme, and choose the size letter and the color.
My e-mail is for that adds my classmate and writes e-mails and speak through chat the Gmail.
The direction web is:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

An little of me

My name is Diana Cid. I live in Ñuñoa since December the past year. 
I stady psychology at Universidad de Chile, at campus Juan Gomez Millas. 
I am very happy, because live close up the University and not go the locomotion plublic, and the place is beautiful, quiet and safe.