Saturday, May 25, 2013

Draw a person in the rain Test!

Hi class!
Today I will talk about of my presentation, It was about the graphics test, especially “Draw a Person in the rain test”, it is very used in different areas of psychology, like in clinical attencion and personnel selection, among others.
I like the test because it is very used in psychology and I think that everyone should know about it. The test is inconclusive, but we may be able to use it for have an idea of the person.
For the test, you have to give the person a sheet of paper in vertical position and ask him or her to draw the person in the rain.

The test represents how the person resolves her or his conflicts.
Some characteristics about the technique are:
  •  It is an easy procedure
  •  It is short
  • You only need a pen and paper
  • The test can be taken in group or individually
  • It can be used on children and adults and both genders
About expressive resources analysis:
·         Dimensions
·         Location the drawings
·         Pressure: the pressure of the pencil on the sheet.
·         Time: there is no time limit
·         Sequence: the most common way is to start by the head, continue with the body and finish with the umbrella and the rain.

In summary, the drawing should be a person covering himself/herself from the rain, using an umbrella or wearing suitable clothes, and the rain should not be stormy.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hi class! Today I will tell you about me
When I left I was not sure fourth means to study, but I knew I wanted to be at the Universidad de Chile, so I applied to the “Programa Academico de Bachillerato” and was =)
During my first years in Bachillerato I learned many things and I decided that I like the psychology.
I learnt  in psychology about different  working context, I learned several things, including daily seen as psychology helps people, from the clinical, community, legal, labour and the research, I believe that all areas are connected and focused in one way or another that people develop in the best way possible.
On the other hand, when I spent the semester and took elective classes first thing I did was take practical classes, where there is direct contact with people and dynamically learns along with people, these are the classes that I like and his time I think is one of the skills that psychologists should have the power to manage groups of people or generate a pleasant contact with them, but so I think maybe it is better that they are engaged in research.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hey Jude!

Hi class!
Today, I talk about a song very special for me; it is name “Hey Jude” by The Beatles. I do not have favorite music band, but I like the lively music.  But, I like all the songs the Beatles, but when I first heard it go when I see the movie “Across the Universe”.
Across the Universe is great and the sound track is wonderful, I when be sad, I listen those songs.
I listen more “Hey Jude”, because I think that I can change the things and I am very happy. The part the of the song I like the most is when start:
“Hey Jude, do not make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better”.

I recommend that you see the Across the Universe and you download the sound track, because you will not repent. The Beatles is fantastic, but I prefer the version the across the universe and I wait that you also enjoy the song.